Cold… And Hard

How do you feel about cold weather?

The title I decided on are the prolific words in the opening of the movie The Hunt for Red October.

Though my beloved home City of Colorado boasts more than 300 sunny days per year, don’t be fooled. The nature of this land will show all four seasons, in less than 24 hours. It can turn bitter as ginger root. Cold as nails! In January of the year I was conceived, the temperature at my grandmother’s house was -21°. Few years later I was frolicking through the blizzard of 1983, it’s frostbite temperatures killed many many tree, one of my children was born in the blizzard of 2002 when I suffered for 10 Winters on that cold hard slab better known as concrete. How do I feel about the cold? I’ll tell you what I do not prefer it. It is one of the four henchmen of happiness along with its sidekick the wind. They will take your smile they will smoke your cigarette they will convince you to regret dressing cutesy when you knew it was going to be a cold one. Layers! That’s how I survive it. I do not have much body fat but I do have the inside to know that I need to help the skin and Bones I do have to keep from getting freezer burned. Colorado is known for producing some of the most noteworthy severe weather gear. One company R.E.I. is known across every continent every climate every altitude for its gear, whose name says it all “Weatherproof.” I’d rather be near a stroke with three layers under a bubble jacket, then to be under-dressed for cold temperatures. -36° down in Las Animas(not counting the treachery of the wind), is the highest level of cold I was dumb enough to go outside for a smoke in. THE QUESTION IS HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT THE COLD WEATHER? ME, I RESPECT IT

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